Ares and Paw #pug love to play together. Yesterday, because of the rain, we had to stay indoors for most of the morning. So these two decided to share the rope and play together on the couch. I saw those eyes and thought… Oh, my! How can anyone not fall in love with these fur-boys?...
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These are Ruby and Steve. They’re two rescues who have been so lucky to find a forever home with very loving parents. They com to daycare every week. They love to play fetch and this picture was taken when they were both very tired from an afternoon of running around the garden and chasing the ball. These guys are so photogenic!...
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Floyd This boy here is 13 years old. He’s a loving, sweet old boy who wants cuddles like any other dog. We’re very blessed to be looking after him. We met him about 3 years ago when his parents moved from Argentina to New Zealand. And we’ve been looking after Floyd since then, whenever his parents go away on holiday. #goldenretriever #dogsitter #dogsitting #loveforalldogs #olddogsdeservelovetoo #iluvmyjob...
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Dogs everywhere!The long weekend has brought us quite a few extra dogs. All of them are returning customers ❤ which makes us so grateful. We must be doing something right ?A great long weekend to you all! Thanks a bunch from Rocky & Family. #longweekend #labourweekend #thisiswhatwedo #grateful #blessed #dogsitter #dogsitting #dogsittingservices...
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We’re celebrating our 200th booking! This is only possible because of our dear clients’ support and trust. You guys make Rocky & Co. possible. So, let the celebrations begin! “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” Contact us for a inquiries or make a Booking Request....
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by a lot of people today, but especially by two ladies who asked to take pictures of us. I was very happy to oblige because I never get a chance to be in the pictures myself – unless it’s a selfie, but those can’t possibly include 11 dogs. I was also liked that Blair and I got to be in the same picture together with our own dogs and guests, instead of the same old picture of either one of us. These images finally do justice to Blair who’s my biggest supporter.......
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We have lots of furry friends today at Day Care and who’ll also be spending the weekend with Rocky, Wookie and Jack. Please welcome two new comers: Nora (white dog) and Felix (black dog). We also have Spud who’s been coming to day care so he can get used to the place and to the dogs before his longer stay next week. And our regulars Ruby, Mel and Koda. We’re so excited to have these dogs over. We can all play together and enjoy this beautiful sunny spring day!...
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The thermometer showed 3°C and there were lots of frosty patches on the ground, but we kept warm by running around in Silverstream Reserve....
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