So, this is basically how we start our day (when it’s not raining). Dogs all over the place, running and playing together. Today, we also say good-bye to our two long-term guests Zyra and Ares. It was such a delight to have them around. They got along with everyone. Ares, who started as a wee scary boy on the first two days, blossomed and started making lots of friends. Soon later he was playing with everyone, feeling very confident to play fetch and some doggy (friendly) wrestle. I’ll miss them so much!......
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Ares and Paw #pug love to play together. Yesterday, because of the rain, we had to stay indoors for most of the morning. So these two decided to share the rope and play together on the couch. I saw those eyes and thought… Oh, my! How can anyone not fall in love with these fur-boys?...
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These are Ruby and Steve. They’re two rescues who have been so lucky to find a forever home with very loving parents. They com to daycare every week. They love to play fetch and this picture was taken when they were both very tired from an afternoon of running around the garden and chasing the ball. These guys are so photogenic!...
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