Hi!! Rocky and I would like to ask our friends to help us support SPCA and the great job they’ve been doing for animals in New Zealand. Please help us help them by donating any amount. Just simply click on the link below and follow the instructions. Rocky and I will join a great walk with all the supporters in November. Thank you! https://walkyourdogtothemoon.everydayhero.com/nz/anna...
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We are so excited about our new and huge dog play house! Ample space for a mattress, a beanbag and dog toys. It’s NOT a sleep out. It’s for our Dog Day Care. The dogs can use it as they please and whenever they want. A quiet area for those less energetic, more senile, or simply want some time-out from the fuzz. The long-stay dogs will sleep inside the house in our fully mattressed lounge. Thank you Fiona and Jaco Bester for this beautiful play house! — at Super Fort- Bester’s Outdoor Living....
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