The answer is to chill out under the shade of a tree or indoors like these doggies did. It was pretty hot over here, on Wednesday (23/01/2019) so I kept the dogs inside the house (and Rocky was in the dog play house where he likes to hang out). Remember to keep your dogs out of the sun, indoors (NEVER inside the car) and with plenty of fresh water. Enjoy NZ summer!...
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And the fun continues thanks to this beautiful and warm summer weather! We had old comers and one new guest Mel, who’ll be joining us at Day Care 🙂 On Friday, we all went for a 4 km walk along Pegasus wetland track and Pegasus Lake. Then, a throw the ball game which Jack loves. Saturday, we had Mel and she is, like her mum calls her, a social butterfly! She got along great with my boys and our guests Louie, Luke and Macca. After our walk in Silverstream Village, we had......
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As part of Rocky’s Summer Camp this year, and taking advantage of a gorgeous sunny but not-too-hot day, I took my boys and our guests of the week Macca, Luke and Louie to Huntsbury track. A great track that was nearly all to ourselves!...
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