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Tag: dog sitter

me holding a large dog

“Who said I’m too big to be picked up?” These could be Bud’s words, if only he could talk! This big boy spent 8 days with us while his humans were abroad. What a delight it was to have Bud with us. Such a good dog, so cuddly. He has no idea of how big he is though, and loves to be picked up. I gotta tell you, I was impressed with myself 🙂 Great leg work out picking him up off the ground. Ohh I miss him already…...

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The answer is to chill out under the shade of a tree or indoors like these doggies did. It was pretty hot over here, on Wednesday (23/01/2019) so I kept the dogs inside the house (and Rocky was in the dog play house where he likes to hang out). Remember to keep your dogs out of the sun, indoors (NEVER inside the car) and with plenty of fresh water. Enjoy NZ summer!...

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Rocky's Summer Camp 2019!

Pool party today in this beautiful summer weather! A great way to cool off after we’d just come back from a long walk. Tossing a ball and playing chase. Everything that dogs love. And Rocky chills out under the outdoor table. Pool party and dog-treat-filled ice blocks today to cool off! The dogs had to work out how to get the treats out. It’s an excellent mental exercise to get them unstressed. Jack was more interested in trying to get the little ball out of the pool. The ball gets filled with......

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To provide a Safe place for all Dogs & Peace of mind to their humans. Blair is setting up the cameras so our clients’ parents (or owners as you will) can see what their babies are up to when they stay with us! Isn’t it cool? Our clients’ happiness and safety are above everything else, and giving peace of mind to their humans is our motto. Stay tuned for more updates! Our clients will need an app (Hik-Connect App on their phones. All FREE!!!) to access the cameras which are being placed......

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Whenever I’m walking the dogs, whether it’s my three boys Rocky, Wookie & Jack, or other people’s furry babies, passers-by usually ask me: Are these all your dogs? Or are you a dog walker? Now that we have uniforms, people might still ask me what I’m doing with all those dogs, but it’ll certainly be easier to answer their questions! Our uniforms have our logo, phone number, website and the services that we provide. So, if you see us walking past you holding between 3 and 9 dogs (that’s the number of......

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